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Can I buy and drive a hearse? Yes, there is no special necessity or permit to possess or operate a hearse. Although I’d not advocate it. Hearses use custom large glass panels, that are incredibly expensive to displace or repair. Also, they are long and impractical to drive or park and heavy so they eat fuel.
Another concern is that hearses are tailor made, and not every ongoing company pays money for quality. One hearse was famous in InvoCare for bending and twisting when exceeding a bump or dip. Hearses are not often well taken care of Furthermore, these are run constantly and intensely before for sale usually. They are also expensive to buy used as they are very expensive to make.
So yes, you can own, and run a hearse, but it is seldom worthwhile. No, undertakers either sigh or giggle when people say this. Sometimes people join the industry because they believe that it is morbid, dark, cool, or whatever. Then they soon leave as they realize how mundane it truly is.
Being an undertaker is no more morbid or dark than working in retail or an office. & most undertakers aren’t morbid people, rather the opposite if anything. Do undertakers break or take away the legs on an extended body to match it into a coffin? That is a rare question but always makes me have a good laugh.
Just the impracticality from it is amusing, how difficult it might be to eliminate a leg. When hip and legs can be bent at the knee quite normally Especially, or one can get a bigger coffin. To visit all the trouble of getting rid of a knee is amusingly absurd. Is it a smelly job and/or industry? Yes and no, it heavily depends.
Most times there isn’t much smell, but when there is it is strong or that unpleasant seldom. Periodically it is a smelly job However, and one remembers those times well. A decomposed body often has a strong smell about any of it badly, a smell which will penetrate into your nose and lungs regardless of what you do. What can you do to help deal with a smelly body?